Email Security

Email Security in our connected world is difficult, the web is full of people trying to take advantage of unsuspecting users. Several years ago, you’d see emails requesting help from a banished prince so he can access his wealthy bank account and send you back a million dollars for your assistance, and it was a little easier to call their bluff. Now you don't even need to respond to a phishing attempt for them to start an attack on your computer. Phishers, people trying to attack your…


Microsoft Office 365

Does your Business use Microsoft Word, Excel or Outlook? Does your Business currently struggle to communicate across the business and access business related content?   If you answered yes to either of these questions, then we have a solution for you. The Microsoft Office 365 solution has become the quintessential solution for businesses today. This powerful, all in one platform will add more value and provide organization to your workforce like you never thought possible. With services like Microsoft Teams,…


What is a Firewall

What is a firewall? Well, you have a door and windows on your house and maybe even a few gates on your property, probably all equipped with locks. These locks are used to keep specific entities inside or outside of your home.  For example: your dog may run away if you left the back door open or maybe you want to keep your doors and windows locked from the inside to prevent unwanted intruders. Why wouldn't you want to do…


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