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We are so glad you’re here! Welcome to the Official Blog of Network Computer Solutions. This information is procured by our staff, for YOU!! Always stay up to date with

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NCS Tech Tip Blog Post, Technology Onboarding info

Technology Onboarding & Offboarding

Technology Onboarding/Offboarding Troubles? Are you currently using a checklist as part of your new employment or termination procedure? These defined steps are very important to the business and the employee. Here are

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NCS Tech Tip Blog Post, Email Security

Email Security

Email Security in our connected world is difficult, the web is full of people trying to take advantage of unsuspecting users. Several years ago, you’d see emails requesting help from a banished prince so

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NCS Tech Tip Blog Post, Office 365

Microsoft Office 365

Does your Business use Microsoft Word, Excel or Outlook? Does your Business currently struggle to communicate across the business and access business related content?   If you answered yes to

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NCS Tech TIp Blog Post, What Is A Firewall

What is a Firewall

What is a firewall? Well, you have a door and windows on your house and maybe even a few gates on your property, probably all equipped with locks. These locks

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NCS Tech Tips Blog Posts, Identifying Phishing Emails

Identifying Phishing Emails

All the talk in the computer industry right now is security this and ransomware that. Companies everywhere are doing what they can to strengthen their defenses, but one area is

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